Moorside Community Primary School

Moorside Community Primary School

Emotional Well being & Mental health - Everybody's business

The Wellbeing Award for Schools (WAS)


Moorside Community Primary School achieved the Wellbeing Award for Schools in April 2019 – the award is a nationally recognised accreditation of quality provision and support for the Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health of pupils, staff and families within the school community.

The school completed a detailed portfolio to evidence the support it provides to pupils, families and staff regarding emotional wellbeing and mental health. We also sought feedback from pupils, staff and parents to identify the strengths and weaknesses in our provision. From this we developed an action plan and now have a dedicated Change team who meet every half term to ensure that we continue to improve and develop the best support we can to meet the needs of our school community.

You can find our action plan on the school website under ‘Emotional Wellbeing & Mental Health – Everybody’s business’ where we also upload local and national service details and resources relating to emotional wellbeing and mental health. In addition, our school newsletter will provide regular updates and information.

We continue to welcome suggestions for improving this provision from our pupils, families and staff, ‘Your Voice’ boxes are positioned around school (for parents and carers at the main office), providing the opportunity for you to post your ideas and feedback (anonymously if you wish) for the Change team to review. All suggestions will be considered, and implemented where possible, feedback will be shared via the school newsletter and website.       

As a result of the recent lockdown due to the Covid-19 virus we have all been affected by the changes and restrictions imposed on our lives and continue to adjust and adapt. As a school we recognise that more than ever the emotional wellbeing and mental health of our pupils, families and staff needs to be supported and protected. We will be using resources guidance and advice provided by the government and other national and local supporting services to ensure that we do all we can to support our school community.