Moorside Community Primary School

Moorside Community Primary School

School Uniform

Moorside's School Uniform Policy

Parents can purchase school uniform from school. See attached form which can either be printed at home or collected from the office. (School Uniform Order Form).

Red cardigan with school logo £10.00
Red sweatshirt  with school logo £10.00
Red/yellow striped clip on tie (14" or 16") £5.00
Red P.E. bag £4.00
Red book bags with school logo (small/large) £5.00/£6.00


If you wish to order school uniform for you child, please contact the school office who will provide you with an order form.

Uniform is available in the following sizes: Age 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/10, 11/12 and 13.

Adult sizes are also available in S, M, L and XL (prices upon application). 

Second Hand Uniform: 

The School carries a stock of second hand uniform which is displayed each half term. 

Other stockists:

Wynsors, Ziggys and Shaw Hardcastle also stock our uniform.

Lost Property:

Please ensure you label each item of clothing for your child. KS2 lost property is located at the end of the KS2 corridor. EYFS and KS1 keep their lost property inside the classroom. Children are regularly reminded to have a look.