Letter to Year 6 Parents/Carers17 June 2020 (by schooladmin) |
Dear Parent/Carer,
Following the school’s announcement that we are opening school to year 6 pupils on Monday 22nd June I am writing to give you more details of what school will look like.
The Year 6 children who are returning will be divided into three bubbles which will be led by a member of teaching staff and at least one teaching assistant. Your child will remain in their bubbles until further notice and we are unable to guarantee that your child will be in a group with their friends or with their current teacher. The Year 6 Bubbles will operate from 9:00am - 3:00pm and unfortunately, we are unable to provide breakfast club or after school care to these children.
Children will remain in classrooms for the day other than when they go to their allocated areas for lunch and playtime.
Dinners will be a cold packed lunch and will be eaten in classrooms.
Children will enter and leave school from the same door – a member of the leadership team will be around to direct children to their entrance and parents will be asked to line up on the marked lines when dropping off and picking up. Your child will be greeted at the door by the adults working in their bubble and parents will not be allowed to come into school. If you have any queries or concerns you need to pass on, there will be members of staff outside who you can talk to and will make sure the message is passed on to the bubble teacher.
Children will not be allowed to bring toys and equipment from home onto the school premises.
The children will be asked to social distance at all times and the desks have been set out in the classroom socially distanced apart. The children will also be asked to wash their hands or use the antibacterial gel frequently throughout the day.
Children will not be expected to wear school uniform and the advice is that they should wear clean clothes every day.
If your child behaves in a way that does not enable staff to adhere to social distancing, an individual risk assessment will be completed to ascertain if it is safe for your child to remain in the 'bubble'.
Those parents of children who are attending school and who are in receipt of free school meal vouchers will still receive them up to 17th July when the school closes for the Summer.
Please ensure that any medication that your child requires is returned to school and a medical form completed- the staff working within your bubble will have these available.
If your child shows symptoms of Co-Vid 19 during the school day they will be removed from the bubble and you will be asked to collect them as soon as possible. You will then be required to have your child tested for Co-vid 19 and report the results back to school.
In the event that a member of staff or another child in your bubble tests positive for Co-vid 19 then everyone in that bubble and the people they live with will need to self-isolate for 14 days.
If your child displays symptoms at home including having a high temperature then they should not be bought into school and you must inform school that they are displaying symptoms. You will then be required to have your child tested and report the results back to school.
If you have decided that you do not want your child to return to school at this time but decide that you would like them to attend at a later date please contact the office and allow two days’ notice so that we can ensure that we have packed lunches ordered.
We recognise that this is going to be a very different environment for the children to return to we will be doing all we can to make sure your child feels safe, secure and enjoys their time back at school.
It is important that we all work together to ensure that we can return safely to school following all the advice and guidance from the Government and Department of Education. We are asking all parents to sign our Home/School agreement that sets out all our expectations about returning to school during the Covid-19 lockdown. The staff will ask you to sign the agreement as you drop your child at school on Monday.
Yours faithfully,
Miss. D. Worthington