Moorside Community Primary School

Moorside Community Primary School

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  2. Whole School News
  3. Spring 2 PSHCE information for parents

Spring 2 PSHCE information for parents

19 February 2024 (by schooladmin)

Monday 19th February 2024

Dear Parent/Carer,

Over this half term the theme of our PSHE Jigsaw lessons is ‘Healthy Me’.

EYFS pupils will learn the importance of good physical exercise and a healthy diet and ways to keep healthy and safe. They will be encouraged to manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs including dressing and going to the toilet independently.

KS1 pupils with be supported to understand the difference between being healthy and unhealthy, how germs cause disease/illness and the safe use of medicines. They will learn how to keep safe when crossing the road and about people who can help to keep them safe. They will explore how different food groups give us energy and help to keep us healthy and ways in which to relax, reduce feelings of stress and the importance of sleep.  

KS2 pupils will explore the importance of exercise and the impact of drugs, alcohol and cigarettes/vaping on our emotional and physical health. They will identify how to keep safe in different situations and who to go to for help. They will learn to recognise changing dynamics between different groups of people and how to manage peer pressure. They will be introduced to basic emergency aid procedures and how to get help in an emergency situation. Pupils will explore how media and celebrity cultures can have an impact on body image pressures. They will also learn how to keep themselves emotionally well and manage feelings of stress and understand the importance of sleep.

If you would like more information about the content of this topic, please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s class teacher or Mrs P Howarth, Pastoral Manager. Further information about PSHE can also be found on the school website.

The following website provides a range of information for parents re food facts – healthier food swaps/healthy snacks/5 a day/facts around sugar, salt, fat/ food scanner/sugar calculator/recipes/activities and children’s weight:

Yours faithfully,

Mrs H Higgs
